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Post  The Velvet Empress Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:08 am

I have a few curious questions for you all!

1. Name?
2. Hobbies?
3. Besides P4, what other fandoms are you a part of?
4. Favorite things?
5. Favorite P4 character(s)?

Share with usssss~

Mine areeee:
1. Carissa, but Domo works too. Or Domomomo (+ however many more "mo"s you want to add in there)

2. My hobbies include talking excessively, video games, acting, writing fanfiction, and cartooning. More than that, though, I just love to socialize in anyway possible. I also love to RP...a lot.

3. I LOVE HETALIA. SO MUCH. That's pretty much the only dedicated fandom I'm a part of besides P4, but Hetalia beats out everything, Disney coming in at a slightly-distant second. My less extreme fandoms are Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, and Phoenix Wright.

4. My favorite things are Korea/China (my ultimate OTP, comes from Hetalia), Spain/Romano and Prussia/Hungary (more Hetalia pairings pfff), my best friends Lindsey and Jonathan, seltzer water, and talking. I really like tsundere characters, and tsundere pairings tend to be my favorites (though not all. I'm not much of a Yosuke/Chie fan).

5. Oh my goodness, I love so manyyyyy. For main characters, I simply ADORE Chie, Yosuke, and Souji. For minor characters (aka characters that no one pays attention to usually pfff), I lovelovelooooove Hua Po and Lamia. A lot.
The Velvet Empress
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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  EmperorZiodyne Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:33 am

1. Pretty much everyone calls me Taye. <3 but that's short for Taylor, so either is fine.

2. Hobbies. I LOVE writing, and I really like science too. I want to do something in microbiology/chemistry, and I like nerdy jokes. >___> Obviously, video games are huge and I readreadread. Oh, and I play a cello and do some photoshop graphics. xD I like shiny things.

3. FIRE EMBLEM! That's probably my biggest geekgasm besides the Persona series. And I'm not even sure which is bigger anymore...? I also love Full Metal Alchemist (Brotherhood ftw!), Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and recently Card Captor Sakura. OH! And Persona 3. I think Fuuka, Jin and Ms. Toriyumi would approve very readily of this RP (and I think they should join xD). AND OH GOD STAR TREK. I saw Trek buttons on here. It made me joy.

4. Favourite things... Taylor/Food. I love food. That sounds strange, and I don't actually eat big portions, but I love food. I am the Gourmet Queen!... Not. >_>;; Pairing-wise, I fully love Yosuke/Souji (IN THAT ORDER, well, in any order tbh). And I like Kanji/Rise a lot too. And Fire Emblem 7, Raven/Lucius is my otp, which is honestly, nearly canon imo. And in Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, Innes/Ephraim. They're not anywhere close to canon but straight up sex. But really, Innes/everyone is fine with me. I love him. Oh, and P3, Hidetoshi/everyone, and Jin/everyone. >__> I love those two indefinitely. And! And Keisuke/everyone. I NEVER see anything with nerdy little Keisuke.

5. I love awkward Yosuke. He's easily one of my favourites of the whole game just because he is such an awkward turtle. And Kanji! KANJI. I was really amazed that the makers took such a plunge with Kanji's shadow. It's pretty unprecedented, I think, to have a male character overtly struggling with sexuality. I was really impressed. He's just such an unexpectedly awesome character. And Naoto's...hawt. And Rise's looool. And Souji is also looool too. I could go on and on, but I've rambled enough.


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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  The Velvet Empress Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:22 am

Taye it is, then! But duuuuuuuuude, we should TOTES have P3 cast in here too. That would be amazing!!

And alllll of the P4 characters are awesome, aren't they? Yosuke is so derpyyyyy <3
The Velvet Empress
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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  Susano-o's Magician Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:30 pm

Oh hai thaaaar~! ;3

It's totes SHARING TIME... because as we alllll know, sharing is caring~)

1. You can call me Kyon (or Kyon-yon, whatever suits your fancy).

2. "Oh Hobbies of Mienz" include:
Reading and Writing (I just ADORE books)
Roleplaying (well of course, I wouldn't be here if I didn't xD)
Talking nonstop
Fangirling over my lovely OTPs
Video Games
Swimming and of coooourse MUSIC~!
I have a feeling that there's totally more than that, but I'm trying my upmost best not to bore you guys with my run-on sentences that would totally be uncomprehensible if I was actually talking. xD

3. Besides Persona 4? Oh jeez... well there's:
Axis Powers Hetalia which I'M IN FREAKING LOVE WITH (it's gotten to the point that people call me "America" at school now)
Sengoku Basara (Masamune x Yukimura is just amazing)
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Persona 3 (I can't help but love Junpei :3)
Harvest Moon (hurraaaay for farming based videogames~!)
Phoenix Wright (ohmaigod. EDGEWORTH = <3)
Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple
I'm going back in the day to nineties anime as well! I've recently been rewatching Sailor Moon and Digimon.

4. My favorite things would include...
My Friends (offline and online) because it's nice to just be able to hang around and chat with the people who you feel relaxed around and can have a good time with.
Souji/Yosuke (not in that particular order either... but Hana's such an uke-in-denial).
F/A/C/E Family from Hetalia. AKA the France, America, Canada, England family relationship that has spawned from the fandom. Not only is it lulzy but it's simply adorable, especially with 'Mummy England' decides to try and cook dinner for his 'loving family'.
Eating... I just love food and eating in general.
CHOCOLATE. That is all =3

5. Favoriiiite? But I love alllloooot of them. XD However, I do have specific favorites:
Yosuke. Come on, what's NOT to love about FAILsuke?! With his clumsiness and absolute awkwardness, his derpness is one of the main reasons why I love him so much. Not only that, but he's nothing but adorable... and his shadow has to be one of my favorites (even though he didn't have much of a spotlight and was pretty easy... nrrgh. X3), and when going through his S. Link, I just wanted to HUG HIM D: (fff souji totally did that for me though.)
Chie. STEEEAAAAK. She's the kind of female character I just love. One who's not afraid to show she can kick some serious butt while wearing a skirt... and her galactic punt? It brings me back to my Team Rocket days.
Kanji. Just his confusion with sexuality and how at the beginning, he gives off the feel of the typical standoffish thug who turns out... to have a knack for sewing and loves cute things.
Souji... he's the protagonist aaannnd oddly adorable in the manga. I think it's because they finally gave him a sort of personality as compared to however you want to make him in the game. His "If I was the criminal, I would've knocked you out with this golf club by now" line was one of my favorites.
Kou & Daisuke. 'nuff said.



Crud. I did ramble in the end of it all. DARN IT. XD;
Susano-o's Magician
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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  EmperorZiodyne Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:41 pm

I would absolutely love to play Jin if no one would rage for doubling up. He's such a basass little nerd!

Ffffff I'm so excited for this though!

Oh, do people have messenger? My MSN is and AIM naeuisarang .


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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  The Velvet Empress Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:33 pm

I'm so excited too! We don't have many people, but I think if we three (and the Naoto RPer, if he/she posts) more people would be inclined to join in on the festivities.

Also, do either of you want to help me out? I'm such a retard when it comes to forums and shit (because I don't go on many of them, truthfully oTL), but there's a ton of features I wanna try using! Did you know they have a RPG feature? I WANT TO USE IT, BUT I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HALF THE TERMS MEAN.

Also, individual replies:

Kyon -- OH MY GOD ANOTHER HETALIA FAN. /dies AND HARVEST MOON. AND PHOENIX WRIGHT. My personality is like...a threeway mix between Korea, Spain, and Hungary (though more like Lizzy than anyone else...except not as high-strung <|D;;; ) FACE is such a cute family! Does that mean you ship FrUK? And NOT Franada or USUK?! I HOPE THAT'S TRUE, BECAUSE USUK BOTHERS ME SO MUCH. *crosses fingers* Seriously, you and I have a lot of similar interests. We are going to be amazing friends. <333

Taye -- Who cares if Jin doubles up?! He uses GRENADES. That's so COOL. I want to battle with grenades. Also, my P3 OTP is def Minako/Ken. <xD I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

To both of you, I seriously only use Skype, so if you don't have one, GET ONE. Then we can have webcam/phone chats, which I LOVE. Mine is ceejhargin, and it will come up as Lizzy who lives in Hungary, but you can ignore that. I USE IT FOR RPING SOMETIMES OKAY

Eeee I love you both already <333
The Velvet Empress
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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  EmperorZiodyne Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:31 pm

I'm pretty beast with coding invisionfree skins, but I don't know a whole lot about phpbb. I can definitely play around with it a bit though! And I can also make a pretty banner for us too. <3 Maybe someone could throw a plug in to shirokawablvd to see if any other Persona lovers would join us. <3

I'm officially going to take claim of Jin also. I love him so much, and I think he would be an outright bastard on an MMO. I love him! Oh, and I'll get skype today on my lappy when I get home. xD



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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  The Velvet Empress Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:22 pm

I have no idea what invisionfree skins are! : D

I'll advertise it right now!! <333
The Velvet Empress
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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  Susano-o's Magician Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:03 pm

I'll help out if you need it~ Even though I'm better with proboards codes as compared to invisionfree, it won't be much of a problem to get a hang of... and as for advertising, I'll make sure to inform some of my friends who enjoy both Persona aaannnd roleplaying. Speaking of which, there's a friend of mine (who's the Souji!anon in the bathhouse who responded to the thread) who's trying her best to register but technically can't at the mo due to certain difficulties. If anything, I was wondering if we could reserve Souji's position for a little while? Until she's actually able to do so? I've been telling her about the whole forum and she's getting reaaaalllly excited so I just wanted everyone to know that our Souji!anon wants to do this. =) Heck, next time I talk to her (which will be probably later in the day) I'll check if she wants me to register and set things up for her?

As for individual replies:

Carissa ~ YES. ANOTHER HETALIA FAN. REJOICE! X3 AND YOU LIKE HARVEST MOON TOO? Barely ANYONE I know remembers it! D: As for my personality, other than America... I'm an odd mix of South Italy and China too, it's so weird when switching in between that I've gotten used to it. And as for the FACE family, even though I'll tolerate (and I'll find it cute on certain occasions) USUK and Franada... I'm totally ALLLL for FrUk and USCan. <333 Gawd. Just talking about interests is getting me moar excited.

Taye ~ KOU/DAISUKE make my day. <33
Susano-o's Magician
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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  The Velvet Empress Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:56 am

I think she'll be fine in getting to RP Souji. (:

YES HETALIA YESYESYES. Y-You don't ship RoChu, do you? *HOPES NOT oTL*

[strike]Daisuke/Naoto forever
The Velvet Empress
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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  Working Class Hero Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:36 am

Oh snizzle, Hai peeps~

1. Hmm, what to call lil' ol' me? Anjelica... But call me Jel... seriously *srsface*

2. Hobbies, eh? Listening to music would be number one... then uh, roleplaying and playing video games most definitely. Drawing and writing (even though me thinks I fail) and just... watching anime and stuff. OH! Jel likes to eat... Jel likes to eat a looooot~

3. I have... a lot of fandoms. Hetalia, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, DISNEY, Harvest Moon, Epic Mickey, Kingdom Hearts, Ouran High School Host Club, Sengoku Basara, Samurai 7 and Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple... just to name a few <3

4. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kitte- Oh screw that. Naw, I like my OTP's, fan fiction, making little smiley faces when I talk 8D, my friends, milkshakes, ramen, PB+J sundaes, music of all sorts and my laptop. :3

5. Hm... this is hard to choose but... Kanji is definitely first~ He's just... epic, and seriously, the only one I have to support in a straight pairing... because he's KANJI and it doesn't work any other way for me. Oh and Nanako too... just because she's a whole bunch of adorable, yesyes~

Wow... I'm lame... OTL;
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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  The Velvet Empress Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:41 am

The Velvet Empress
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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  Working Class Hero Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:54 am


...FrUK is my OTP so... that's number one right thar

UsCan, Spamano, SuFin, LietPol, GerIta, RoChu, uh CanadaxUkraine, AmericaxBelarus, RomexGermania, SwitzerlandxLiechtenstein, FrancexJoan of Arc, AustriaxHungary, and PrussiaxBelgium (IT'S SO CRACK ...but i-it's so cute) ...OH and the German-cest yesyes <3

There are a few others too but... yeah these are the ones I actually go out of my way to read and stuff~

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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  The Velvet Empress Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:22 am


Or the same length, I'm not sure /derp

KoreaChina (FAVORITE PAIRING IN THE WORLD), PruHun, Spamano, and Russia/Latvia are my four main ships. Additionally, though, I like AmeriCanada, FrUK, America/Ukraine, SwissLiech, DenNor, SuFin, UK/Femerica, UKSey, GerIta, Turkey/Greece, BelaLiet, US/SR, Rome/Germania, SeaPol (after a crackfic I wrote I started actually enjoying this, though it doesn't exactly exist), NedBel, and that's all I can think of for nowwww. (I know I'm missing SOMETHING, I just can't think of it...)

As a side note, though, RoChu actually makes me sad. It conflicts with two of my OTPs. oTL For my OTPs, I kind of act in the way that they CANNOT be paired with anyone else in my mind (except for Russia, that is). I feel lame in saying that, but it's so TRUE. Lame Carissa is lame. ):
The Velvet Empress
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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  Working Class Hero Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:47 pm

Ah well, well it's not my MAIN. I just find it adorbs, but hey as Prussia said "To each his own" and that's totes cool with me.

OHMAI FRUK AND USCAN 8'D you have made me one veeeeery happy camper by ssaying you like those two~ Yusyus you did

Jel is going to go be happy naoh~
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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  Aether Shade Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:51 am

/doesn't watch like any animes, period

also hi. sorry guys, I've been really busy, but I'm dropping a class tomorrow as long as my former teammates can figure something out.
and if I put my MSN up, will people add me? it's nice to get a reminder when I'm in this many RPs. also, I love talking to people and plotting and stuff~

... and does my giant avatar bug anyone? you can have huge ones here, but everyone has like 100x100 LJ size ones. did I miss something?

anyway uh...
1. I'm Emi. but I like being Princess Emi, too. I'm a pretty pink princess~ /weird
I also go by Pancake-chan, and my P4 friends now call me Naoto. YESSSS.

2. drawing/coloring, bass guitar, RPing, making OCs

3. I'm getting into Generator Rex (an American cartoon) fandom atm, I blame one of my college friends. I'm also on and off Pokemon, J-rock, Star Ocean 3 & 4, a bunch of other games too, and I'm in an Advance Wars RP despite being absolutely horrible at strategy games. my also bass-playing Pokemon fan friend dragged me in, and I got a visual-kei OC as a military commander. I'm happy. lol~

4. my OCs, Naoto, a bunch of other videogame girls and a few boys, drawing, bass guitar, RPing, OCs, pink, OTK/thigh-high socks, cute skirts, legwarmers, cats, my boyfriend who is oddly sort of a jock while I am a little nerd princess.

5. Naoto, is it obvious yet? I really like Rise too though. and Yosuke. however... I actually dislike game!Kanji and dislike Kanji/Naoto too. I won't play that way, though, and if Kanji's player here really wants to work something out... I'll try it~
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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  EmperorZiodyne Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:16 pm

Hello! I twill definitely add you on msn if you put it up. I also play Kanji, and when I stop being lazy, Jin from p3. But i'm kind of fond of not straight!Kanji, so I don't think we'll have any problems. <3


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Heeeeeeyooooo Empty Re: Heeeeeeyooooo

Post  Aether Shade Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:03 pm

oh, okay~
looks like my MSN is already up, so I guess anyone who wants to add me can do so. I'll be Pancake-chan or Emi on MSN, though maybe I should change my real name to Princess Emi-chan just because... ahaha.
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